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Word Study

Page history last edited by McCormack 4 years, 2 months ago


Really Great Interactive Letter-tiles


Interactive Word Mat (alphabet)




Interactive Word Mat (digraphs, vowel teams, etc) 


Interactive Blending Board



Spin and Write Trick Words:


Spin and Write Trick Words


Spin and Write Blank Template


Spelling Word Choice Boards:


Word Work Choice Board



Spelling Word Activities:


Spelling Week 1.pdf

Spelling Week 2.pdf

Spelling Week 3.pdf

Spelling Week 4.pdf

Spelling Week 5.pdf

Spelling Week 6.pdf



List of suggested word study/Fundations activities:

Word Study games.doc


Information on Fundations Level 1:



Information on Fundations Level 2:




Lists of spelling words by unit (Fundations 2)

To view, simply click on the docx you wish to see and it will open into a new window.  Then, choose "download" to view and print.  Have fun spelling! 


Unit 1: Fundations Unit 1 Words.doc

Unit 1 Digraphs and Blends.docx

Unit 1 Closed Syllables.docx

Unit 1 The K sound.docx

Unit 1 Bonus Letters.docx


Unit 2:  Fundations Unit 2 Words.doc

Unit 2 Welded sounds.docx

Unit 2 Vowel Teams.docx


Unit 3: Closed Exceptions.docx

Vowel Teams and review of welded sounds.docx


Unit 4: Suffixes -ed -ing.docx

Suffixes est er.docx

Vowel Teams and Suffixes -er-est.docx


Unit 5: Consonant and Vowel Suffixes.docx

Multisyllabic words and compound words.docx

Review Units 1-4.docx

Spelling of -ic.doc


Unit 6: Exception -ive.docx

Vowel Teams and VCe.docx


Unit 7: Open Syllables.docx

Suffixes -y -ly -ty.docx


Unit 8: R controlled vowels.docx

R controlled vowels -er -ir -ur.docx



Sight Word Lists ("Trick Words"):


Dolch Lists:





Full Dolch List Kindergarten-3rd Grade


Dolch Sight Word as Audio Files by Grade


Dolch Lists according to frequency


Frye word lists and 100 most frequent words:
















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